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Catcher and the Rye, Homer’s Odyssey, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Harry Potter, Moby Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Grapes of Wrath.

These are some of the world’s greatest books and chances are you’ve read at least one, or many of these magnificent literary works.

This may sound like an oxymoron, but have you ever read, the most read book of all time?

What is it?

Well…if it wasn’t a give-away. It’s the Holy Bible.

Flipping the script on one of Hollywood’s favorite marketing lines, “If you only see one movie this summer, this is it”. Rather we say, “If you’re going to read one book in your entire life - this better be it”.

We’ve all been captivated by the imagination and words of mere men, but are you ready to hear what the Creator of the universe has to say?

Many of the books we listed are remarkable and ‘powerfully’ moving. But not one of these books have totally changed the hearts and minds of men and women the way the Bible has.

Have you ever heard a hardened criminal say that the Catcher in the Rye was so beautiful it caused them to change their entire life? Or, has The Grapes of Wrath ever stopped drug addicts in their tracks from using, or thieves from stealing, or greedy people from hoarding wealth? Maybe there are some, but we doubt many more than that.

However, the Holy Bible has done exactly this for hundreds of millions of people all over the world, over, and over, again. Just ask any Christian for their testimony!

Does this mean once you’ve met God, you’ll instantaneously become an upstanding and sinless person? It’s not entirely impossible, but God uses something called “sanctification” (growing in holiness) which is a lifelong process, and God is most honored as we grow in our trust of Him. He will use us where we are today. Contrary to popular opinion, God doesn’t only use Clergy members to accomplish His work. He loves using common people...I’d even say more than clergy!

There’s no other ‘book’ in human history that has actually transformed lives the way the Bible has. We’re not talking ‘tingles’ or some ‘feel good’ and ‘heart warming’ story. We’re talking about a real transformation, which produces a total change of someone’s heart and desires - their allegiance goes from serving themselves to serving God. We, Christ followers (Christians), who are so transformed that we would actually consider dying for the sake and honor of Jesus. (Do you really think a few dollars spent on a Bible Dare matters to us?)

Since this is worth reiterating, we’ll ask, have any of those great literary works ever fundamentally transformed you or someone you know?

The funny (sad) thing is, do we actually think so little of God that we’d just bump into Him and our life would continue on as usual?


This is GOD ALMIGHTY we’re talking about!

Transformation is expected, because this is what happens when you encounter the Living God, the Author and Creator of Life, He who created the universe and everything in it. He is this BIG. Yet, at the same time He maintains the universe, He also cares about the very smallest detail of our life. “Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered” (Luke 12:7)

But the real question is, do we truly expect nothing from reading the Bible?

Don’t think the Bible would change you? We bet you it will.

You have nothing to lose by reading The Bible, but you have everything to gain. And at the very least, it will change the amount of money in your bank account.

You’ve read the rest, now read the best!

Final thought: Maybe it crossed your mind while reading this, if the Bible is so wonderful, why wouldn’t I just read it? Well, we’re asking you the same question, but we venture that you still haven’t, or maybe you just haven’t had the time, so we’re using The Bible Dare to give you a little push : )

Final Final thought: God has collectively changed our lives so much, the “incentives” we offer are nothing compared to how important your life and eternal destiny are to us, and especially to God. This small token of generosity is only a mere pin drop of God’s generosity shown to us and all people; He who gives us work, food to eat, air to breathe, and family and friends to love.

God Bless You,

The Bible Dare Team